The Centre for Coastal and Marine Environment (CMER), in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA), and the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC) organised a Virtual Roundtable on addressing marine litter in Malaysia through a policy framework.
This engagement was also in support of the ongoing SEA Circular Project, an initiative by the UN Environment Programme and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) at the national and regional levels.
Virtual Roundtable –Stakeholders’ Engagement to Address Marine Litter in Malaysia
Marine litter is among the major threats to the world’s oceans. It includes solid materials of human origin discarded at sea or that reaches the sea through waterways or domestic and industrial outfalls. Marine debris enters the ocean from both land-based sources and vessels at sea and comprises a wide range of materials, such as persistent plastics, lost and abandoned fishing gear, and a variety of other pollutants. It contributes to a wide range of ecological, environmental and socio-economic impacts, including ingestion by an entanglement of marine life, fouling of coastlines, and interference with navigation.
Stakeholders participating in the discussion
The roundtable was hence intended to engage relevant stakeholders at the national level, including government, non-governmental organisations, local councils, expertise from local academe, as well as industry players on addressing issues and needs on addressing marine litter issues in Malaysia. More than 30 participants attended the roundtable, elaborating their roles and plans on addressing the issue within their respective jurisdictions. The ultimate aim is to develop a national draft policy framework and roadmap on the subject area.
MIMA during the discussion
A series of consultations will be organised as a follow-up towards ensuring inputs from all relevant stakeholders are incorporated into the formulation of a national policy framework to address marine litter pollution.