- Introduction
- Thrust of Reseach
The core objective of the Centre for Maritime Economics and Industries (MEI) is to undertake policy research on topical issues and recent developments in maritime economics and industries with a view to provide policy advisory to relevant Government agencies to promote and safeguard Malaysia's maritime economic interests. The centre also publishes articles and papers in various publications; deliver talks and presentations; and organise seminars, workshops, stakeholder meetings and training courses on various areas in maritime economics.
The work at MEI is not exclusively Malaysia-centric. Being in a field as dynamic as maritime economics and researching on subjects such as global as maritime trade, ports, shipping, shipbuilding, freight logistics and offshore energy activities, MEI researchers need to develop an expansive and comprehensive worldview of the field of their research. The centre keenly monitors global events, developments and issues directly and indirectly affecting maritime economic activities to ensure that its research outputs are informed by the latest happenings in the fast-moving maritime industry, while always being mindful of the need to help safeguard Malaysia's economic interests at sea.
Over the years, MEI has successfully undertaken research projects in various topics and segments of maritime economics and ocean industries. They include port competitiveness, ship financing, multimodal transport, marine leisure industry, offshore oil and gas, and maritime trade issues, among many others. MEI has made considerable contribution in driving the agenda of several issues in maritime economics in Malaysia such as ship financing, multimodal transport through its research work and activities such as organizing conferences. MEI always strives to be at the forefront of cutting-edge research in maritime economics and industries to provide solid, implementable policy recommendations to the Malaysian government in particular and to contribute to the field of maritime economics in general.