International Webinar on Marine Environment

The Marine Technology Center of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), under the MARE Project (Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia) by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, organised an “International Webinar on Marine Environment: Facilitating Marine Environmental Awareness through Research and Education” on 9 December 2020.

The programme was intended to promote the exchange of ideas and sharing of information among stakeholders and the academe, focusing on environmental sustainability.

Cheryl Rita Kaur, Head of the Centre for Coastal and Marine Environment (CMER), was invited as a Keynote Speaker and Panel at the forum. She spoke on Maritime Environmental Policies in Malaysia. The session also included other like-minded speakers including Dr Anton Shkaruba, Senior Researcher from the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Fairoz Rozali from the Safety, Security and Environment (Planning) Division of the Marine Department Malaysia; and Norlin Jaafar, Director-General of the Department of Environment Malaysia, as well as Mohd Hidzir Bakar from the Water and Marine Section of the Department of Environment Malaysia.

Presentations during the session

The forum was screened live on UTM’s media platforms and attended by more than 200 participants from related backgrounds. The recording can be accessed at the following link:

The Panel Discussion

MIMA looks forward to continuing the efforts on raising marine environmental awareness through policy research and education. 

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