MIMA Seminar Room
The Centre for Coastal and Marine Environment (CMER) organised an Expert Talk Session with Dr Alias Man, the latest in maritime experts keen on knowledge sharing with MIMA.
He has had 36 years of experience in fisheries research and management with the Department of Fisheries Malaysia. Presenting his study, “Fisheries Management in Malaysia: Status, Issues and Challenges, and the Way Forward”, Dr Alias Man shared valuable data and recommendations.
His last post before retirement in August 2019 was as a capture fishery resource expert. His significant roles included coordinating, planning, and monitoring fisheries management plan and fish catch data reports.
Dr Alias Man delivering his presentation.
Director-General Datuk Dr Sabirin Ja’afar officiated the session and expressed his gratitude to Dr Alias for sharing his insights and information on fisheries management in Malaysia. He also highlighted some of the MIMA’s past studies in fisheries. These include fisheries policy; banning of trawl; harmful algal bloom management; fisheries subsidies; the development of seaweed aquaculture in Malaysia; the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM); and the establishment of the National Marine Mammal Stranding Response Network. These studies are a testament to MIMA’s interest in fisheries resource management.
He further elaborated that as a maritime policy think-tank, MIMA aspires to promote a free exchange of ideas on maritime matters and hence encouraged all MIMA researchers to make the best use of the knowledge shared by the speaker.
Dr Alias Man provided an informative presentation detailing the status of marine fisheries stock in Malaysia and elaborated on available research data. He strongly advocated for further analysis of the establishment of a national fisheries management plan. The sharing session helped participants better understand the status, issues, and challenges faced in managing national fisheries stocks and the importance of sustainable fisheries.
Participants discuss the state of Malaysia’s fisheries after the presentation.
MIMA looks forward to continuing this kind of engagements with experts from the maritime field to benefit policy research in MIMA.