Welcoming Remarks
YBhg. Datuk Dr. Sabirin bin Ja’afar
Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA)
YBhg. Datuk Isham Ishak
Secretary-General, Ministry of Transport
YBhg. CD Ir. Ts. Dr. Khairil Anwar Abu Kassim
Director-General, Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS)
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Assalamualaikum and Good Afternoon,
Before addressing the forum, I apologise for not joining you today as I am away on my official trip overseas. I hope my absence does not dampen our determination to achieve our goal today.
- First and foremost, I would like to thank the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) for initiating this forum in conjunction with the upcoming Hari Malaysia on 16 September 2021 and inviting MIMA to be part of the inaugural forum. It is indeed the highest appreciation for MIMA to take the first step to explore potential collaboration with MIROS in the future.
- MIROS and MIMA had contributed an incredible amount of input to Malaysia to improve the road and maritime sectors. We may not be the same in terms of research – MIROS is an onshore research institution focusing on on-road issues, while MIMA is a maritime research institute that oversees Malaysia’s interests at sea. However, I believe we can find common ground between MIROS and MIMA after this initiative, as that is the main objective of this Bilateral MIROS MIMA Forum.
- After 28 years of standing, MIMA is proud of our various local and international achievements. MIMA helped many government bodies in Malaysia work on policies, and we provide insight on the latest maritime issues. MIMA complements the efforts of various government agencies involved in the maritime sector. We provide an international stage for discussions on the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea; promote the conservation of the coastal and marine environment; promote the maritime economy; safeguard maritime security and strategic interests, and we also look into the legal aspects of the maritime realm of interest to Malaysia.
Ladies and gentlemen, - MIMA provides consultancy services to stakeholders through policies research, training and education, public awareness through disseminating information on the maritime sector and maritime literature through our publications about maritime sectors. The pillars of MIMA lies in its five research centres – Centre for Straits of Malacca (SOM), Centre for Coastal and Marine Environment (CMER), Centre for Maritime Economics and Industries (MEI), Centre for Ocean Law and Policy (OLAP) and Centre for Maritime Security and Diplomacy (MSD). These research centres cover almost all aspects of the maritime sector.
- Before I end my speech, with great hopes, I am looking forward to the outcome of this Bilateral Forum between two research institutes under the Ministry of Transport Malaysia. We surely will resonate with the mission of our ministry, to see the agencies under it grow together. It is hoped that this initiative will achieve its objective to explore potential bilateral relations and better understand each other’s functions. With that, I end my speech.
- Thank you!