Attendees focusing on the presentation by Cdr Ang Chin Hup
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) had organised a virtual expert group meeting on Smart Port Development for Sustainable Maritime Connectivity in Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok, Thailand.
The keynote presented by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and allows national experts to present their national strategies presented by Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Republic of Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Speaker from the UN ESCAP and a participant from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) also gave their views on the topics.
The meeting discussed developments of smart ports in the area and strategic collaborations and initiatives between the UN ESCAP and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). It also deliberated on how to ensure smart port design enables port operations to operate more transparently and efficiently, how to allow users to interact and collaborate in real-time with other actors, and enhancing cooperation to benefit through economic efficiency and environmental benefits. The transition to a smart port during the COVID-19 pandemic has also emerged as a way to ensure the safety of the maritime and port ecosystems.
Cdr Ang Chin Hup assisted by Mazlinawati Abdul Majid while presenting his topics
Cdr Ang Chin Hup (R), on his speech “Revisit Malaysia’s National Port Strategy for Smart Port Development: Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic” recommended the need to re-examine port expansion, smart ports, digitalisation and streamlined port authority in Malaysia.
MIMA would like to express its gratitude to the UN ESCAP for inviting Cdr Ang Chin Hup (R) as a national expert from Malaysia to present his views on smart port developments. As a Centre of Excellence (CoE), MIMA looks forward to future engagements with international bodies such as the UN ESCAP, UNCTAD and the IMO.