Seminar: Thinking about the marine debris problem in ASEAN and Japan

Virtual programme
17 January 2022

The ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris builds on the region’s aspirations towards tackling the issue. Amongst others, the plan incorporates the Bangkok Declaration on Combating Marine Debris in the ASEAN region, the ASEAN Framework of Action on Marine Debris, and the 2017 Conference on Reducing Marine Debris in the ASEAN region.

The recent launch of the Malaysian National Policy on Marine Litter and Action Plan 2021-2030 during the SEA of Solutions programme in November 2021 had highlighted the urgent need for collective and coordinated actions to address related challenges. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) convened the program hosted by Malaysia

At the Opening Session

Coastal and marine debris pollution is a shared concern among the region’s countries, creating a unique opportunity to share expertise and lessons learned in the development of sustainable solutions and displaying synergies. Recognising this, the Keizai Koho Center (Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs) and the KSI Strategic Institute for the Asia Pacific hosted a virtual session titled “Thinking about the marine trash problem in ASEAN and Japan”. More than 80 people participated, including government officials, business leaders, academics, and journalists from Japan and ASEAN.

During the Seminar

Cheryl Rita, Head of the Centre for Straits of Malacca MIMA, was invited to offer her thoughts on the area, accompanied by the Japan counterpart, Toshihiko Higuchi on behalf of JaIME (Japan Initiative for Marine Environment). The discussion, moderated by Prof. Atsuhiko Isobe of Kyushu University’s Centre for Oceanic and Atmosphere Research, focused on best practices and knowledge sharing for resolving the issue.

Speakers at the virtual programme

MIMA has been proudly involved in shaping the actions towards addressing marine litter pollution at various levels and will continue to actively share experiences and recommendations for its effective management.    

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