MTCP 2021: A Joint Training Course with the Centre for Maritime Economics and Industries

From 28 June to 2 July 2021, MIMA hosted a Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) training programme. The five-day online training course focused on Fostering Maritime Industry Operation and Management Through Digitisation Post COVID-19. The programme, which was financed by the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), gathered 18 participants from seven countries: Iran, Jordan, Bahrain, Maldives, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

Group photo on the first day of the MTCP programme

We were honoured to have seven renowned speakers from various backgrounds offer their perspectives and experiences relating to their areas of expertise throughout the five days of online training. The following topics and their corresponding speakers were on the agenda:

Day One: The first day of training focused on The Overview of Maritime Industry Operation and Management through Digitisation Post-COVID-19. The session set the tone for an enthusiastic course for the following days of training.

  • Nazery Khalid, Head of Group Corporate Communications
    Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad

Day Two: On the second day, given the topic of The Digitisation of Maritime Supply Chain Processes from Paper-based to Digital-based post-COVID-19, speakers elaborated in-depth about the changing context of the maritime supply chain from paper to digital.

  • Prof. Cdr. (R) Dr Aminuddin Md Arof, Associate Professor
    University of Kuala Lumpur (MIMET)
  • Cdr Ang Chin Hup (R), Centre Head
    Centre of Maritime Economics and Industries (MIMA)

Day Three: The topic of Smart Ports Technologies Post-COVID-19 was discussed for a better understanding of whether the smart port initiative is still relevant, and how it may help with the current situation.

  • Dr Nazry Yahya, Head
    Johor Port Skills Centre

Day Four: Last but not least, the topic of Digital Maritime Warehouses to Win Cross-border Businesses Post-COVID-19 was discussed at the closing of the programme before participants presented their output on Friday.

  • Dr. Wan Mohd Norsani Wan Nik, Professor
    University Malaysia Terengganu
  • Prof. Datin Dr. Norhayati Hj. Shariff, Associate Professor
    University Malaysia Terengganu
  • Faiz Hakim Hj. Husain, Group Managing Director
    Sufi Group Sdn Bhd

Nazery Khalid briefing his views on the maritime industry post-COVID-19

Dr. Aminuddin and Cdr Ang presenting their slides on the second day of the MTCP programme

On the third day of the programme, Dr Nazry presenting on smart ports

Prof Dr Wan Sani (middle, first row), Assoc. Prof. Datin Dr Norhayati (from left, first row) and Faiz Hakim (from right, first row) presenting their portions on the 4th day of the MTCP training

Ali Ibrahim from the Maldives and Naser Alnaser from Bahrain presenting their output during the country’s presentation session

Following the presentations and each speaker’s sharing session, the last day of the programme on Friday was the country presentation by all participants. The attendees were invited to share their work and discuss how their nation implemented some of the technology discussed during the training session. It was an informative discussion in which they demonstrated their ideas and efforts despite connectivity issues.

Nur’amirah from MOFA delivering the Closing Remarks on the final day

MIMA feels that the programme had benefited the participants in every manner. We may conclude from the presentations that some nations have not thoroughly explored marine technology and are looking forward to sharing their findings to enhance their systems.

Given the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, many sectors will struggle if they have not prepared for or kept up with the newest technological trends. That said, each country’s maritime industry must continue to explore technologies as a means towards progress.

To ensure global survival throughout this health crisis, it is advisable to invest to obtain a greater rate of return. While it may not be easy to begin from scratch, the only way to improve is to go through the grind.

Finally, MIMA is grateful that we were able to coordinate the MTCP with the assistance of MOFA effectively. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who contributed directly or indirectly to the training. We expect that the network among the participating nations will be sustained and continue to expand. Many thanks to both the organisers and participants for such a productive outcome.

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