MIMA appointment in the Expert Advisory Panel under MOSTI, 2021 – 2023

MIMA is delighted to be recognised in the Expert Panel for the Research and Development (R&D) Fund under the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia for projects funded by the Government. Cheryl Rita Kaur, Head of the Centre for Coastal and Marine Environment MIMA has been appointed to serve on the Expert Panel for the duration from January 2021 to December 2023, in recognition of her expertise and experience in her field of work by the Ministry.

On a broad scale, the Government aims to encourage an environment where research, innovation and development will flourish. Innovation is of key importance in spurring economic growth in a developing country like Malaysia, and hence the traditional resource-based economy is being fast replaced by a knowledge-based economy.

It is therefore imperative that researchers in the respective areas continue to create innovations. To encourage and facilitate this, the Government has put in place various funding schemes for the necessary research and development to be conducted. For this purpose, it is also crucial to set a suitable mechanism and platform within which such innovations can be assessed, conducted, approved and implemented to benefit both the fund provider and recipient.            

The panel of experts conversant with the required branches of knowledge and forms of experience required to cover adequately the national priority areas are hence identified and appointed.

MIMA looks forward to continuing to support the national endeavour on maritime areas. The appointment is further recognition of a national platform to serve in the advisory role and function in line with MIMA’s aspirations. 

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